On Friday 24th March we will be holding our third North West Visual Cognition research seminar funded by the BPS at the University of Salford. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free.
If you would like to come along please can you sign up using this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nwvc-research-seminar-tickets-519618602227
The broad focus of the seminar is how knowledge and expertise influence the way in which we represent the world. This includes topics such as exploration of cognition and eye movements during spectatorship of art, improving perception and visuomotor control in elite sport, attention and eye movements in social interactions, and visual search during navigation.
If you are interested in presenting your work at the seminar please send an abstract to Dr Sam Gregory: – s.e.a.gregory@salford.ac.uk by Friday 24th February.
Abstracts should be no more than 150 words and should include title, authors, authors’ affiliations. Please indicate the preferred presentation format (oral or poster) when submitting your abstract.
Presentation formats:
Oral Presentations:
20-minute time slot (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions)
60-minute time slot
Size of the poster: A0, portrait.