BPS Research Seminar Series

Upcoming Seminars
Seminar 4: Eye tracking: Applications
Location: Edge Hill University
Date: 21st June 2023
On Wed 21st June we will be holding our 4th North West Visual Cognition research seminar funded by the BPS at Edge Hill University. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free.
The broad focus of this seminar is on the application of eye tracking and visual cognition to real-world settings.
North West Visual Cognition Group Workshop (4)
Edge Hill University
Business School Room B001
June 21st 2023
09.30-10.00 Arrival, tea and coffee
10.00-10.15 Welcome
10.15-10.45 Donna Gill - UCLan
10.45-11.15 Andrea Piovesan – Edge Hill University
11.15-11.45 Coffee and Research Discussion
11.45-12.30 INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Tim Smith, Birkbeck University
The Attentional Theory of Cinematic Continuity.
12.30-13.30 Lunch and Research Discussion (inc. poster displays)
13.30-14.00 Edwin Burns – Edge Hill University
14.00-14.30 Heida Maria Sigurdardottir – University of Iceland
14.30-15.00 Coffee and Research Discussion
15.00-15.30 Dan Clark – Liverpool Hope University
15.30-16.00 Rachel Hagan – Liverpool John Moores University
16.00-16.45 INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Karla Evans, University of York.
What We Perceive in Half a Second from Real World Scenes to Radiographs
16.45-17.00 Concluding Remarks
17.00-18.00 Pub - Cricketers
18.00-20.00 Evening Meal – Fat Italian https://fatitalianormskirk.co.uk/
Workshop 4: 21st June
Full schedule and Abstracts
Workshop 4: 21st June Directions & Campus map
Previous Seminars
Seminar 1: Eye movements, Language, and Development
Location: University of Central Lancashire
Date: 5th July 2022
This first seminar will mark the official launch of the North West Visual Cognition group and will be fully face-to-face. The selected presentations will illustrate one of the core principles of our group by focusing on the importance of investigating and explaining human behaviour using robust, scientific methodologies and psychological theory.
This first seminar will focus on how the use of eye tracking has informed the field of human language processing and development. In this seminar we will not only consider psychological processes associated with human language comprehension (reading, speech perception), but also how those processes develop with age.
North West Visual Cognition Group Workshop (1)
University of Central Lancashire
EIC Building Room 312
July 5th 2022
9.30-10.00 Welcome - Simon P. Liversedge, UCLan
10.00-10.30 Shihui Wu – Leicester University
10.30-11.00 Petar Atanasov – UCLan
11.00-12.00 Coffee and Research Discussion (Posters)
Monica Castelhano and Valerie Benson – Queen’s University/ UCLan
12.30-1.30 Lunch and Research Discussion (Posters)
Mahsa Barzy – Reading University
2.00-2.30 Christine Green and Simon Liversedge – UCLan
2.30-3.00 Ying Fu – Tianjin Normal University
3.00-4.00 Coffee and Research Discussion (Posters)
Henri Olkoniemi – University of Oulu
4.30-5.00 Sara Milledge – UCLan
5.00-5.30 Concluding Remarks
6.00-7.00 Twelve Tellers
7.00+ East-Z-East
Workshop 1: 5th July 2022 Full schedule and Abstracts
Seminar 2: Eye movements and Visual attention
Location: Liverpool Hope University
Date: 9th November 2022
The second seminar will explore some of the influences on visual attention. These will include cognitive and oculomotor control, memory, search, and cultural variations on eye movement behaviour
North West Visual Cognition Group Workshop (2)
Liverpool Hope University
Hope Park Sports Room 106
November 9th 2022
09.30-10.00 Arrival, tea and coffee
10.00-10.15 Welcome
Professor Nick Donnelly, Liverpool Hope University
10.15-10.45 Dr Letizia Palumbo and Dr Neil Harrison, Liverpool Hope University Visual exploration mediates the influence of personality traits on
responses to artworks in an art gallery setting
10.45-11.15 Dr Tobiasz Trawiński, Liverpool Hope University
Cultural variation in eye movements during painting perception
11.15-11.45 Coffee and Research Discussion
Professor Dan Smith, Durham University What can cognitive neuropsychology tell us about the role of the oculomotor system in covert spatial attention?
12.30-13.00 Dr Tom Beesley, Lancaster University.
Eyetools: A set of tools for eye data processing, analysis and visualisation in R
13.00-14.00 Lunch and Research Discussion
Dr Paul Skarratt, University of Hull
Solving a looming puzzle in visual search
14.30-15.00 Dr Luc Boutsen, Aston University
Recognition memory and first impressions from faces with disfiguring features
15.00-15.30 Coffee and Research Discussion
Dr Soazig Casteau, Durham University
The relationship between spatial attention and oculomotor control: evidence for a dissociation between involuntary and voluntary orienting
16.15-16.45 Dr Catherine Thompson, Liverpool Hope University
The influence of habit on the control of visual attention
16.45-17.00 Concluding Remarks
Professor Nick Donnelly, Liverpool Hope University
17.30-18.30 Pub
18.30+ Restaurant
Workshop 2: 9th Nov 2022 Full schedule
Workshop 2: 9th Nov 2022 Directions & Campus map
Seminar 3: Visual cognition and Spectatorship
Location: University of Salford - Media City
Date: 24th March 2023
The third seminar will explore factors that influence spectatorship across a number of domains. Spectatorship has not been studied extensively but an understanding of it is critical to developing models of how knowledge and expertise influence the way in which we represent the world. Current work will be presented on the exploration of cognition and eye movements during spectatorship of pictorial art, improving perception and visuomotor control in elite sport, and visual search during active and passive navigation through familiar and unfamiliar environments.
North West Visual Cognition Group Workshop (3)
University of Salford
Media city campus
M50 2HE
Media City 3.10
09.30-10.00 Arrival, tea and coffee
10.00-10.15 Welcome
10.15-10.45 Dr Catherine Thompson, Liverpool Hope University
10.45-11.15 Dr Samantha Gregory, University of Salford
11.15-11.45 Coffee and Research Discussion
11.45-12.30 INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Dr Emma Gowen, University of Manchester
Imitating and perceiving actions in autism
12.30-13.30 Lunch and Research Discussion
13.30-14.00 Katherine Maw, Edge Hill University
14.00-14.30 Dr Mengsi Wang, University of Central Lancashire
14.30-15.00 Coffee and Research Discussion
15.00-15.30 Dr Andrew Mackenzie, Nottingham Trent University
15.30-16.00 Dr Damien Litchfield, Edge Hill University
16.00-16.45 INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Dr Greg Davis, University of Cambridge
The conscious attention ‘spotlight’: A method for estimating its size, position and guidance
16.45-17.00 Concluding Remarks
17.30-18.30 Pub
18.30+ Restaurant
Workshop 3: 24th March 2023 Full schedule and Abstracts