After an extended delay because of COVID-19, we are pleased to announce that we have now rescheduled our NWVC research seminar series. These will be fully face-to-face research seminars that provide a chance to meet up and discuss research and we begin as planned with the first seminar at UCLan. Details of the subsequent research seminars will be released in due course.
This first seminar will mark the official launch of the North West Visual Cognition group. The selected presentations will illustrate one of the core principles of our group by focusing on the importance of investigating and explaining human behaviour using robust, scientific methodologies and psychological theory. This first seminar will focus on how the use of eye tracking has informed the field of human language processing and development. In this seminar we will not only consider psychological processes associated with human language comprehension (reading, speech perception), but also how those processes develop with age.
Abstract Submissions Now Open: We are pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts for oral and poster presentations to be delivered at the 1st North-West Visual Cognition group seminar.
The seminar will take place in the School of Psychology at UCLan (Preston) on Tuesday 5th July 2022. We welcome abstracts that relate to how the use of eye tracking has informed the field of human language processing and development. There are three sub-themes as follows:
Eye Movements and Reading
Eye Movements and Speech Perception
Eye Movements across the Life Span
All abstract submissions are required to be sent to: Prof. Simon Liversedge Abstracts should be no more than 150 words and should include title, authors, authors’ affiliations and the sub-theme the abstract relates to. Please indicate the preferred presentation format (oral or poster) when submitting your abstract. For further information please check the abstract submission doc. Key dates: Monday 25th April: Opening abstract submissions Monday 20th June: Deadline for all abstract submissions Monday 24th June: Notification regarding general abstract submissions Presentation formats: Oral Presentations: 20-minute time slot (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions) Posters: 60-minute time slot Size of the poster: A0, portrait. Seminar Location: School of Psychology Darwin Building University of Central Lancashire Preston PR1 2HE